An Officially Registered & Trademarked Business in the state of Pennsylvania.

Forever Forward Productions was founded by Jay T. Shaffer in 2017. The mission from the beginning was to tell creative stories and use the art form of digital media to help spread the importance of positivity throughout the world. Since 2017, Forever Forward Productions has created dozens of videos and been a part of other various productions for respective clients such as Duquesne Light, the Altoona Curve, local High School organizations, Production Masters Inc., and more.

Forever Forward productions continues to strive in the narrative world as well, creating several short films that attempt to leave a positive impact on the community. The only way is up, and the company ensures to do their absolute best to tell your story through the power of digital media.

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Robert Morris University


Jay has been creating videos since he was 10 years old when he first discovered that his mother’s digital photo camera had a video function. He began a career in YouTube at the age of 12, where he eventually directed his focus towards the topic of skateboarding. Although his dedication towards the creation of YouTube videos has subsided, he still managed to acquire over 9,000 subscribers and over 2.5 million video views. Two of his videos were used on MTV’s “Ridiculousness” and one other was used on Nickelodeon’s “Crashletes.”

Jay currently works Full-Time at WTAJ News in Altoona, PA as a Production Director and Video Editor. He continues to work hard at promoting, marketing, and growing Forever Forward Productions in hopes of eventually expanding the company to a much greater business. His dream and overall goal in life is to one day write and direct his own feature films in hopes of leaving a positive impact on the world.